Today we will expand our training from lesson 102, where I used the example of Wool Cloth and how to buy your stock and then resell it. This strategy is simple and straight forward but there is more to learn! Once you understand the basic premise of buying a segment of the market reselling it and being patient for the income stream it can be applied to many various segments. The example of wool cloth can be translated into several items such as:
· All Cloth; Linen, Wool, Silk, Mageweave, Runecloth, Netherweave, Embersilk
· Minerals; Copper Ore, Tin Ore, Mithril Ore, Thorium Ore, Silver Ore, Adamantite Ore, Khorium Ore, Eternium Ore, Saronite Ore, Cobalt Ore, Titanium Ore, Pyrite Ore, Elementium Ore
· Bars; Copper Bars, Tin Bars, Bronze Bars, Silver Bars, Mithril Bars, Thorium Bars, Khorium Bars, Eternium Bars, Adamantite Bars, Saronite Bars, Cobalt Bars, Titanium Bars, Titansteel Bars, Elementium Bars, Pyrium Bars
· Leather; Light Leather, Medium Leather, Heavy Leather, Thick Leather, Rugged Leather, Knothide Leather, Heavy Knothide Leather, Borean Leather, Heavy Borean Leather, Savage Leather, Heavy Savage Leather
· Herbs; Silverleaf, Earthroot, Peacebloom, Liferoot, Khadgar’s Whisker, Sungrass, Golden Sansam, Dreamfoil, Mountain Silversage, Mageroyal, Stranglekelp, Kingsblood, Bruiseweed, Ghost Mushroom, Blindweed, Wild Steelbloom, Swiftthistle, Icecap, Briarthorn, Goldthorn, Ancient Lichen, Ragveil, Dreaming Glory, Teracone, Felweed, Nightmare Vine, Mana Thistle, Netherbloom, Tiger Lily, Talandra’s Rose, Deadnettle, Goldclover, Lichbloom, Icethorn, Adder’s Tongue, Stormvine, Cinderbloom, Whiptail, Twilight Jasmine, Heartblossom
This is not even the complete list of opportunities; there are entire categories like Enchanting Materials, Elemental Materials, Cooking Materials, Uncut Gems, and more!
So in lesson 102 I gave you 1 example of how to use supply and demand, low prices and timing to make profits. You probably thought, big deal, that’s only a few gold pieces a day at best. But once you learn the art of one it can be applied to many and this list should open your eyes to what is on your server in terms of gold making!
Remember my lesson on starting out in a sector of the market that you know the best before jumping in to all of it. Too many people see all of these items and try to do too much too fast without really understanding the market. Stick to one category in the beginning and learn it before diving into another category.
When I started my gold empire, I started in copper because I was a miner and blacksmith so I was learning the market and how it worked for that sector. I gradually added several other mineral ores and mineral bars to my list and was posting in several of these each day. Once I learned this sector and I had a strategy for each price point, then I went into cloth. I went into it because I needed cloth to level my first aid skills, so it paid to learn the market since I was having to buy in the market.
Folks ask me which market is best or where to start that will gain the most gold the fastest. That really depends on your server and your knowledge. Personally, I always like fast moving markets like cloth to start in because everyone needs it for tailoring first aid and even in other professions. Whichever market you pick, learn it and stick to it.